Tru de Iars
In Our Breast
Final Credits
Ass-Rivers-Ages       The-Grating-cement       Linkings       Book of sympathies

Names of participants and classifications up to 1993
In Book of carnival

Names of participants and classifications from 1994
Foundation of carnival and www.ovar.com/carnaval site

Our gratefulness to all the former-pindéricus, Pindércus or that had contributed for accomplishment of this saite.

For alphabetical order (only because they have to have some order)

Aníbal Willow, António Coast, António Mondim Hisses, Arthur Leather strap of Almeida, Bruno Olive-Tree, Moreira Sundays, Eduardo Rabbit, Eduardo Seixas, Fernando Hisses, João Olive-Tree, Jorge Borges, Jose António Lopes, Jose Barge Luis, Jose Miguel Rabbit, Jose Hisses, Luis Cesar, Manuel Milk, Manuel Gomes, Morals, Catalan Pablo, Peter Lamarão, Pedro Tarujo, Rui Brás, Rui Olive-Tree and Tomás Farm

Luís César and Rui Oliveira

Alexandre Almeida

Ours not gratefulness to Arthur Rabbit and the Jorge Orange Male, for if having valiant in not disponibilizar elements, although to have went many years in the group. It is of people thus that malta needed in Iraq, bad, hard and ressabiados!